Whether you are a HSC student or a tertiary student and at whatever age, there is a formula that I have developed that has been tried and tested for many years. Former clients who have followed the formula have found it beneficial in attaining the results that they needed.

This space does not allow me to write out the details but it allows me to put forward a framework of questions for you to consider:

1. Why are you studying or undertaking a course? What do you hope to gain out of this process upon completion?

2. What short-term and long-term goals have you set up for yourself? Are they appropriate? What back up plan do you have?

3. Do you have a home-study timetable?

4. How much time do you spend studying each day/night?

5. Do you break up the activities in a systematic manner to help you enhance and consolidate your learning?

6. What is your physical learning environment like? What is the most ideal learning/study environment?

7. Do you study with music in the background? What type of music is it?

8. Do you write out your assessment task the day before it’s due?

9. Do you like studying with friends or going it alone?

10. How often do you go out during the week or week-ends?

11. How often do you work during the week and at what times?

12. How often do you exercise?

13. Can diet enhance your study technique?

I use these questions to gain an insight to one’s current study methods. Everyone has their own system, but by tweaking it and informing people on what methods will enhance their study, clients can gain enormous benefits and results from minor adjustments. It’s a little bit like a coach aiming to improve the performance of an athlete. The coach’s job is to suggest strategies for the athlete to adopt so as to advance their performance and ultimately their on-field results.

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